Thursday, 30 May 2013



Stars at night, stars so bright
Like pinprick holes in the curtain of night
Stars with worlds too far to see
What treasures await if I could only see
Are the skies orange, green or mauve?
Are there masses of fauna a treasure trove?
Is there a larger planet that I could live
No numpties or amorals I'm squeezed in with
A sun of white, green, red or blue
The night sky adorned with quad moons too?
A lighter gravity is what I hope
That I would move like a normal bloke!
A million things go through my mind
Now Earth like planets that they do find?!

Saturday, 18 May 2013


OK this was not so joyous a read and the scope that had had my excitement going way beyond that of even the great Hubble Scope has ground to a halt?!


Still I am confident that mountains well be relocated around the globe to get this fascinating and promising device back in its primary mission.

A primary mission that had shocked and surprised me but nice and really should bit have done as I thought class M planets are numerous even within our immediate part of the galaxy. Including that seen with the naked eye!

Even so though it is pretty stellar (groan) to hear about these discoveries just the same?!

Albeit annoying as when I watched a documentary about the discovery if planets that could harbour life I was shocked at how many planets had been discovered so far and even how many are discovered every week?!

You could do a weekly series just on this alone that would just keep coming and coming. Er well when Kepler is back online!

Hmm plus there is that James Webb Scope and I'm ashamed to admit that I cannot recall the mission specifics to this one, lol.

Was it not going to be a planet hunter too but improving on Kepler in some way?!

I really must read up and refresh my memory BEFORE I post on this blog, lol.


Well this us an interesting report and u am looking forward to seeing what transpires from this.

Not read much about quantum computing since I managed to get my head around the MECHANICS (groan) of it. I must admit I thought it was done way off before reading something along these lines.

But to read that someone has purchased a quantum computer is something of a milestone in my eyes and for computing!

Truly a leap that will eventually lead to many great things in theory.


This report alone had spurred me into returning to my much neglected blog on the subject and post about this.

If only more people had the insight and vision that this man did and I only saw short clips if what he did and thought.

So I confess I did bout see this on YouTube and note did I see his Tweets but how inspiring this guy will turn out to be!

Well he should.

What a choice of music to cover too?! I mean a stroke of genius to choose David Bowie and his Space Odyssey, lol.