Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Here is an interesting example of when what was commonly believed suddenly and unexpectedly gets turned on its head.

A smaller black hole than they thought possible has sprung up during research on a distant galaxy 100 million light years away. They them mentioned that the intermediate black holes they thought were common have yet to be found and wondered if they ever would. Insinuating that they may not exist.

This is quite fascinating and I must get back into researching my love affair with astronomy. I find it quite intriguing that it could turn out that between these tiny and small black holes and that if sort massive black holes at galactic centres no others exist!

Hmm there is quite possibly a tool I could buy, oh ok gadget, that could help me possibly start reading again.

I love reading but in recent years I have found this to be difficult. Christ Webern sitting still and focusing has not been without its own problems.

However as well as apologising on a number of blogs I have on different subjects that I have on different subjects I can also now declare that I finally know why.

I have had a long running battle with an NHS that simply did everything but diagnose me. After my own wrong self diagnosis of Charcot Marie Tooth Disease I now realise that I suffer with Fibromyalgia. Oddly as well as explaining ask my physical difficulties it also explains my difficulty focusing on things, short term memory problems and a few other things I never dreamed could be linked together. Well I've had three dozen NHS so called health professionals tell me there is no condition to link even my physical pains. I currently now know of two both of which I have listed here.

I also apologise for the inundation of adverts and declare that due to a problem between between Google's Chrome, Goggle's Adsense and their refusal to speak to you unless they are making a mint I was not aware this had happened. The pop up blocker turned out to be curiously hiding the ads when I was in the design layout if the screen. This was kindly suggested as a possibility by someone on a forum which turned out to be spot on.

Thank you for nothing Google, lol.

Black Hole's Behavior Defies the Rules of Astrophysics - D-brief | -

Thursday, 24 October 2013


Well it had been awhile since I posted in here! There are reasons and I will not get into them right now.

But there has been done very exciting announcements in the world of Astronomy and this one in particular spurred me into writing a post!

Would be a lot easier off the blogger ago was any good but it is not and difficult and badly designed.

So we have a solar system based on a dwarf star with seven planets found so far and interestingly all of which are closer to the host star than those in our own solar system?!

I long to know the mechanics of planetary positions thought different ages and phases of a solar system. I have long wondered if the possibility that the planets within a system get pushed out and pulled in when a star shifts from one phase to another. Like our own Sun, Solar, going from its yellow current phase to a red giant? Or a red giant turning into a dwarf star and do on and so forth.

This would obviously be different for certain star systems because, dependent on the mass of the host star, they might not reach certain stages. For instance a brown dwarf star is really a start that failed so could be argued is not a star at all. Our Sun well not turn into a black hole and so on and so forth.

Over time as more systems are discovered that play host to a planetary system and each of these bodies with there mass, size and position pinpointed a pattern, or patterns, should start to emerge? Maybe they already are add the number of planets known outside the solar system recently shot quickly to over 1000!

Very cool indeed and I cannot wait fir the James Webb Telescope to be raised into its eventual orbit! Not only will the objects know be quite high by then but this telescope will increase their discovery at a vastly increased rate. It should also provide more in the way of detail and data too?!

Good times, or at least will be soon and I must remember to have a look to see if there are any books specifically on Exoplanets?

Seven-planet solar system found

Friday, 4 October 2013


...umm blocks in disguise?!


Another discovery are these self assembling blocks that can be parted and they then recognise each other, close in to each other and self assemble?!

Johnny Five will be sleeping a lot better from now on?! Lol.

To get an idea think, not literally mind you, of the liquid that made up the bad guy Terminator played by Robert Patrick, I think his name is, where it gathers together after being blown apart.

Gadgets that fix themselves?! I want a remote control helicopter built with these?! Well maybe in several years when they have shrunk down to a hundredth of their current a guess, lol.



Well this is a really exciting discovery! Yes despite everything I mentioned and have as well as am being put through on a certain other blog I can STILL get excited about breakthroughs in science!

Now along with a couple of previous discoveries, one being Graphene, and another to follow this blog I think we may be on the verge of a new era?!

Memory metal that does not suffer fatigue from overuse?! Can be quite thin and combined with Graphene...well dreamy and world changing in its potential!!

I remember from couple years back they also improved the solar cell four fold, though not seen evidence of its availability yet commercially.

Nano-bots and robotics have been taking leaps forward and clear acrylics as strong  as steal, derivatives no doubt used on smart phones?! 

Many imaginations will be running riot before very long and a whole heap of previously thought of as science fiction will become science fact in a short space of time! Within the next five years if idiot governments and military regimes stop meddling for power, control and money that is, lol.

Here is a link...

Now for the next one seen on the same evening...

Friday, 20 September 2013


I have often wondered about the establishing of the gas elements that make up the atmosphere of an Exoplanet.

I have also repeatedly warned of seemingly good ideas being wrong.

So here is an article that the expected discovery of the gas Methane on Mars has not been detected by the Discovery Rover. At least the maximum that can exist is only a tiny fraction of that which was predicted. 

Not a case of best guess being wrong but best guess with TESTS being wrong!

Still it is the process we go through to reach the facts.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


I have been waiting an inordinate amount of time for two deliveries to arrive. One of these is a book on Astrophotography but I knew this was coming from America while the other is a lens hood with three different stages, or positions, to it.

I wondered whether or not the hood may have been coming from America too as after a week when it did not arrive I checked the order and the estimated delivery date seemed to be within 24 hours, plus or minus, the date given for the book.

These dates were last Friday and Saturday and as it is now Tuesday I am pretty sure that these will arrive this week FOUR SURE, as my Dutch friends used to say.

I am quite interested in both these arriving and doing a fair bit of reading and then some experimenting. I want to see if the hood makes any difference to the pictures taken with the longer exposures.

Fingers crossed it does, lol.


Right now here is my first few pictures of the Moon which I did hand held basically because I saw the satellite for the first time in a fair old while.

It was late too so I ran downstairs grabbed the camera and returned, opened up the bedroom window as wide as I can and then pointed through the gap!

Note that it was interesting to see that at full size I managed to pick up a great deal of STARS!!

The photos of the further away Moon are taken at 50x optical Zoom while the closer ones are at 100x Digital, purely for curiosity purposes only.

Monday, 26 August 2013


Well another quick mess around for about 5 minutes....that is until I felt insects on me and thought I was being bitten alive and probably was?!

Realised that with my tripod I cannot make the camera look directly upwards, annoyingly.

I did, however, manage to figure out how to extend the exposures and was to do with the ISO and above either 8000 or 12500 a quarter second is the longest it would allow. Once you drop to below one of these two it will then allow you to adjust all the way up til a 30 second exposure, oddly. It should not matter much but I found the gap a bit odd, lol.

I have a binocular adapter by Opticron that is meant for my Revelation Astro Binoculars but I think it may help with allowing me to point the camera wherever I want?! Ideally and I o recall now I wanted to get a parallelogram type arm for the tripod which would have allowed this freedom with the binoculars as I had a problem with looking directly overhead with that too!

You would think this kind of problem would have been dealt with by the manufacturers would you not? Lol.

So I messed around with 1.6 seconds up to 8 seconds.

I was just curious as to how it would look, lol...


OK so maybe not THE first stars but still the first stars I have attempted to take a photo of and somewhat later than I had planned, lol.

DO not ask me what they are called as I just walked out very late, tired and in pain and got this new camera and pointed it up at whatever was the brightest points and snapped a few shots.

To force me to make a start and just to see out of interest how they would come out.

Was taken solely hand held and I could not get the exposure up and the photos should now encourage me to drag my First Horizon Tripod down the stairs one night, fingers crossed, lol.

Now I HAD planned at this stage to have a DSLR and a nice reflector for this job by Celestron and a 6 inch or 8 inch GOTO scope. But as I have quite literally been shafted for 6 months by Google, Argos and a few others besides this will have to do ... FOR NOW!!

Still ... on-wards and upwards and I plan on doing a great deal more over the next 12 months and far, FAR more than I have done by a factor of 5 at least but hopefully closer to 10?!

Also the camera has exposure time of up to 30 seconds and manual and semi auto modes but I could only figure out at the time how to get it to 1/4 of a second?! Go figure! After I managed to get these pictures I have become very interested to see what I can do with a shield, tripod and longer exposures?!

Camera is a Sony Cybershot DSC-HX300 with a 50x Magnification so as my Revelation Astros are 15x magnification (70mm Objective) I am really keen to experiment. Roll on the cold crystal clear nights!!! No wait a mnute?! Did I way 'roll on the cold nights'?!


Also I need a shield too it seems and I need to obtain one by the time I have broken my back with that heavy tripod?!?!

Saturday, 17 August 2013


Well what MORE can I say?!?!
Do not buy your photographic equipment from Argos!!! LMAO
Hmm or NIKON





Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Well I will be a son of a gun!

I has been quite an unpredictable spring and summer so far! Started off cold and raining and then went straight from that cold, windy and wet weather into too bloody hot!

Everyone was like 'oh at last' and then into 'ooh its too hot, my children cannot sleep, we have cold showers every night!' and before long I was doing the same!

Then all of a sudden after weeks of what seemed like much more intense and brighter sunlight than usual a series of storms came making it extremely muggy and then it went cool. Only just like the Spring the cool weather has been accompanied by wind and rain?! Bar humbug!

There were some nice moments and only yesterday I was walking back from somewhere after getting a bite to eat and walking home in a westerly direction wearing sunglasses with the sun low in the sky and just the most perfect breeze! Hmm perfection!

Added to this a series of NHS run-ins and two extremely dodgy cameras, one I am still stuck with and I am waiting for the glue on the grip to dry before using it again. It had one day yesterday not being used and now I have added finishing touches....OF GLUE it has another 24 hours, sounds like a film, to dry.

I moved the laptop to the cabinet to my left thinking it would be more efficient having it there and great to work with but this was not to be. Only now and today am I typing this out while glancing into a direction that does not cause pain and dizziness after five or ten minutes. I have worked on my living room too and the Ottoman that now has a set of four Vivariums sitting on top of it as now been turned 90 degrees so if I look 90 degrees to my left I look straight at it.

The metal mesh lidding was loose on on partition and that is currently drying, if not already dry, too! I am looking forward to rigging up a set of light to my own design for these cages and indeed may end up with different wattages with each depending on what animals I keep in them.

At the moment those I would like to keep would be a Hyla (Tree-Frog), or Hyperolius (Small African Tree Frog), in another I always like those tiny Jewelled Geckos found in Egypt. Maybe even a pair Peruvian Beauty Spiders?! Now me keeping an invertebrate?! That would shock a great deal of people and would likely be the first time I have ever done it. Or at least in nearly 40 years that is for sure!

Of course there are the usual suspects that I would grab with both hands like alpestris apuanus and Bombina pachypus. The cages will take about two weeks before completion and around that time there are some reptile shows going on.

So for this year I have also NOT ordered any new Orchids, more is the pity, and no idea when I will start purchasing hardware to build the first of two PC Computers?!

Also I seem to have had a bit of a time out due to the falling apart of my Olympus Stylus SP-820UZ Camera that I wanted so badly and thought would be perfect. In some aspects it was better than the Camera it replaced, and I do not mean the faulty Nikon L310 I took back to Argos and ended up with this one, I mean the competent for what it was Nikon S8200 Coolpix. I am still trying to get over the fact that the best and most reliably performing camera is the one with the smallest objective lens?! Bloody unbelievable. Anyway the grip of the Olympus finally fell off entirely with the gentlest of tugs. I spent two days gluing it back on but did not work due to the cheap nasty sticky rice paper like substance they use to glue things to heir cameras?! Yuck. So I am now on the third day of having no camera and I have now used an epoxy resin to glue the grip on as previous attempts with rubber cement (plumbing glue more or less lol) and silicone sealant have been quite unsuccessful in all honesty. The funny thing is if the epoxy resin work it only takes 5 minutes to harden and I could grab the camera and go out. Only it is 9.22am now and has been raining for 30 minutes and according to the Met Office app, which is admittedly WRONG 80% of the time, will continue to rain until 7pm tonight and as I cycle everywhere and do not possess the necessary waterproof gear to protect both me and my equipment then it is a no, no. That is one reason I always look at the Pentax K-30 SLR, think that is what it's model name is, as it is waterproof and would be good for what I do. Only I also want to do detailed close up shots and so the Nikon D800E SLR is also wanted.

But out of the four main CAMERA companies Pentax and Canon are the only ones that have not screwed me thus far. I used to love Pentax when I was a youngster and wanted to get into photography, somehow ended up with a Minolta X-300 but I still loved it. But I am still a while away from getting the equipment I really need to move these blogs up a couple of notches so I am not sweating yet over the choices, lol. Besides by then there may well be another waterproof Pentax that does all that the D800E can. Or the D800E will be more affordable?! YEAH RIGHT!!

So what with the NHS, people who have the audacity to call themselves Doctors, the weather being too hot, too windy or too wet I have been somewhat...held up and am admittedly behind where I thought I would be at this juncture. Still it matters not as this has just turned out to be a damned good start for 2014. In fact by the time 2014 comes around I should be in the water and swimming like a fish?! Well unless there is the most glaringly obvious and hugest Internet rip off of authors that has somehow been missed by smart investigative journalists, TV News Networks and Ombudsman?! Ooh wait a moment?

As for what has been posted at different stage up until this point things are all honest and above board and EXACTLY how I wanted to play it. I wanted to wax philosophical when I was in that mood, type when angry when I was in that mood too and anything else I was feeling at the time along the way. This would no doubt have used some choice language but that was what I felt at the time and I type 'from the hip' and just the way I like to do things. I did not want it or me looking manufactured and still do not nor will I ever will. I suppose the time it has taken so far kind of works for me as it seems to play along long enough so that what I do or fail to do matches the economy, in the UK at any rate, and if there is ever an improvement or drop then I should feel it?! We all should those of us that exist online to one degree or another and collectively this should be able to be used in our favour.

Along the way I have tried very hard to show that when you do not work as a team effort then as a nation we will go backwards. I am having a guess that the majority of us, like those that said it after Concorde was grounded, that we have gone backwards and none feel that more than the British Public do?! We pay more than anyone else and then find out it is either refurbished and used crap or of extremely bad build quality in the first place?! NICE, talk about getting two fingers up in your face after handing over your hard cash?! Except what I find both amusing and worrying at the same time is that either I live in a nation of extremely naïve people or many media moguls are being bribed up to the teeth to pressure the journalists into submission?! There simply are no other reasons involved and I have been seeing this stuff for what now seems like an eternity. I just did not know just how widespread it really all was and that I found quite disgusting.

So we get hammered and told about team work and team player when what they actually have meant over the last two or three decades is following orders no questions asked! No idiots and morons that is NOT what the word team means you bloody dicks! The government along with the previous one that showed us nothing more than a struggle between Tony Blair, who now looks very dodgy indeed, and Gordon Brown, who I trusted even less, and continued with the new Siamese Twins of David Cameron and Prince George Osborne is a new initiative and idea that has been in place since the inception of that famous Apple invention called the iPod. Indeed and look so many other since they have secretly copied the name of this fashionable device and implemented it into their new code name for the initiative as well as the sub-title.

iTEAM – Putting the 'I' Back in TEAM!


The only thing that I hope and pray is that the British Public learns from this but also that the GOVERNMENT learn from this that you have been heading down this road now since 1979 and look where it has brought us?! We are not at a juncture where it seems like before very long now (January 2014) it would seem like it has been so bad for so very long that we will have forgotten or started to forget when it was good?! Well not me, lol. If this is them matched with the problem of not being able to foresee an end and after a third and most miserable of all previous Christmases going back 3 years or more then this will have a devastating effect on the human psyche in an increasingly and ever growing number of individuals?!

Of course if you behave like the intelligent human beings you believe yourselves to be than you will read, listen and then most importantly ACT!

This is better for me as and IF done correctly and things improve I will make my own income SOONER instead of LATER!!

Hmm I wonder if they, my enemies, have tried using the excuse that I have tried to CAPITALIZE on the recession both national and global to make money or a name for myself?! Well if so …. TSK-TSK!! TUT-TUT!! Still no forethought and just scribbling silly notes on napkins?! No I am sorry it does not work like that and I just kind of blew to bits any possibility of that have I not?! No I only want to change things for the better or die trying?! Well either that or a nice foreign country that does for its people the honest and decent thing would like to give me refuge?! LOL.

So until such a time I am still minus a few items that in themselves will allow me to spend around two months really and heavily putting content on my dozen blogs that will cause it to sky rocket. This is because I have, and always have had, an ability to instinctively know what people want and provide them with it. I can also hold people's attention with my telling of tales that could well pace me in some Guild of the Bards?! I can do this in both factual things as well as fictional too and you can chuck in a whole list of sciences to boot! I can also join up the dots that seems to have impressed seemingly impossible to impress people since I was 14?! Well you had better do a rummage around on here as there are nearly 1000 posts just on this blog alone you know?! LMAO!

Yes these items, sorry I digress. Yes there are a number of things that will allow me to absolutely mount a unbelievable charge at this point in time that I could not ever look back from without getting light headed! Despite the fact I still have no TV and therefore not really able to enjoy my Blu-Ray Discs in GLORIOUS 1080p magnificence the highest priority right now is...

  1. NIKON D800E SLR CAMERA + Telephoto and Macro Lenses
  2. CBoardman Mountain Bike in Halfords @ £850 which will lose 7lbs on current weight
  3. Out of current reach building blocks to at least ONE PC Build
    a) One for work and intended to become a SERVER RIG
    b) Another enthusiast GAMING RIG as this is my HOBBY (YESSS OK ONE OF THEM LOL) and would rocket my Computing blog among others!
Now with those three things as a basis then everything takes off and within just two to three months I will quadruple the numbers I am currently getting. This is just not achieved by anyone and now I know I am building up a high level of trust in everything I say and do among the people that read. In fact one one blog that sits alone and without advertising on it or ever intended to be placed I am now seemingly acquiring followers ever day or two?! I also know that this will increase as more and more see my blog listed on others blogs and have their interests peaked! I also know that within a few weeks of this building up the temperature will be cooling down, well in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, so that much of the UK, EUROPE and the USA will gradually and increasingly depending on their latitude (i.e. outdoor temperature/weather) spend more time indoors on the Internet. So If I was to hazard a guess this will start around September and October in the North of Scotland and increase as these cold temperatures work their way south.

Hmm, you see?! Many things rattling around in my head all the time I have to keep track of and make sense of! Sometimes I see a documentary and it covers something I do and I know that it will peak my numbers for a while. This is getting harder to predict as I have posted about a certain thing a number of times and lose track of how many! LOL.

Added to acquiring those three I also have a set of four glass Vivariums I intend to create the perfect environment for particular species of animals I love. Frogs, Toads, Salamanders, Newts, Lizards or even SNAKES?! SSSSSSS!! LOL. I also have my one metre aquarium sitting empty but set up and only needs the addition of FISH!!! The three bas items I listed above will allow me to do much more work and get much more content for these too and a great deal quicker to boot?!

Of course there are other items I am without and that would help with boredom, Billy-No-Mates (died or ran away), painful chores I have a dreadful habit of not being able to do or avoiding because I know it will hurt...

  1. Samsung Series 7 46” TV
  2. HQ Blu-Ray Player
  3. Dishwasher but will have to be tiny as I am CRAMPED here
  4. One of those little automatic vacuums, lol. How cool and hoe helpful.
  5. Litespeed Occoe with Mavic SLR Rims, Red Magura Marta SL Brakes, SRAM XX Gears, XTR or Carbon Chain-set, DT Swiss Carbon Forks 80-100mm travel, RaceFace Carbon FLAT BARS, Ritchey WCS Carbon Seat-post, Selle Italia Gel Saddle and Crank Brothers Egg-Beater 4TI pedals in ORANGE (preferably red if poss)
    (This is just to replace the one that was stolen by a council and bailiff they got £2,800 for but told me they got £400 for and was also featured with my name in What Mountain Bike Magazine)

What I think is the very sad and the extremely disgusting part about all this is the fact that it has taken me years of being lied to, tricked, physically attacked, defrauded, left in limbo and left for DEAD just to get to this juncture. In just a couple of weeks time in August my corruption blog would have been going one year, well one of the corruption blogs lol. Around ten others were started around September to October in 2012. So for the injustice section alone I have been at this now almost a year which is a tiny fraction to the period of time I have REALLY been on it. This became a large focus as of around 8 years ago and most of my time around 4 years back but technically goes back twenty years. But lets us just take the last year alone and the amount of time it has taken me to highlight all this to the point that segments and elements of my WORK, as that IS what it IS, is being used by one and all from the House of Commons to the tabloids and TV News broadcasters without so much as an acknowledgement. This is to which I believe is the sole reason that many religious leaders, IN THE UK before you all start lol, now see the UK and it's government as being run by evil people that must be Satan worshippers?!
That funny part about all this and to put it simply to those that used elements of my blogs, and proof positive yet again to my over the top accusations of blindness to the point of incompetent and just too easy to beat... have used elements of my blogs and either released bits of info or then proceeded to investigate and got your own info but did it not occur to anyone that used my work and blogs that you are NOT the only ones that have access to these blogs?! STUPIDOLA!! LOL.

Now I have mentioned this several times going back a year now and I cannot stress enough that first off I am NOT in anyway religious, which should be obvious, but at the exact same time Satan Worshippers DO EXIST!! LMAO!

Just as I could not do when it was said to me by a rather and unusually nice Jehovah's Witness, I laughed and said that for once I can not argue with them!

So here we are at the midsummers night night NIGHTMARE scenario and one has to wonder with the run-up to the umpteenth miserable Christmas, when for the first time in twenty years I want mine to be joyous, what is going to happen?!

Although there were some protests and small scale rioting I was relieved about that and I did think it would be a great deal worse then it worse, though I was working to try and show this was just folly. Well just going out and destroying the very buildings that you will then be charged for and they will then use to defraud the public's cash yet again, lol.

This cannot be put off indefinitely but at least this blog now exists as a pure fact and proof that IF the public were pushed into such an act of protest and destruction the likes of which had never been seen then I am here to say that … IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!

I know that an action such as this is only human nature. No amount of sentencing, fines, prison terms or anything else is going to stop human nature, 'NUFF SAID! To punish human nature while those that have deliberately stoked the fires for so very long know so that they can then make others look like they are to blame, destructive and criminal and therefore not worth of any compassion is wrong, immoral and something of a contradiction in itself.

If the tables were turned they would behave the EXACT SAME WAY and therefore they need to be show that having money and power DOES NOT make them a different species to everyone else, just because you have not been put in the position to feel and fear as we have done. Carrying on like that and throughout history, including very recently, it always ends up that those that do not understand end up completely understanding when it is too late. Well it was too late for Colonel Gaddafi who took a bullet to his head! Though I do not think the British will go quite that far but fear for ones life is definitely a possibility! It is called an UPRISING these days but it used to be known as a REVOLUTION and was kind of synonymous with Russia for a long time. In the UK it is only known as the long winded … CRIMINAL ACTS OF A MASS SCALE.

Hmm that is bizarre? Anyone else note how all Dictator's always refer to it as criminal and terrorists and never use the 'R' word?! No not 'RECESSION' but 'REVOLUTION'?! Hmm must be the 're' prefix to these words?! I wonder if the UK government also plan on erasing words with an 're' prefix from history and dictionaries along with the word DISABILITY?! LMAO!

Thursday, 11 July 2013


Yes only my nickname for it but how cool would it be to see what the scientists were now describing?!

Silicate glass train that scatters blue light? Very interesting indeed!

Surprising it was made with the Hubble Space Telescope which I thought had stopped working? Though I am not going to complain.

I did wonder sometime ago that if they could pinpoint the exact positions and orbits of Exoplanets over time what would happen if Hubble, or the next Space Telescope, was pointed at it.

I had always wondered about the glaring light from the host stars rendering any if the planets in its system invisible and wondered whether there might be a simple way around this? After all would it not require a dot that can be moved about and changing in size? That would be for the optical end of things but for those that render digital images surely it would only take the right algorithm, our set of algorithms, to blot out the host star's light and reveal but detail of it's nearby planets?!

Obviously they brings in another problem because you are viewing another Extra Solar System side any planets will be impossible to see once they pass into THIS SIDE if their host star.

Also surely a computer could also pick out light from planets that we would not visually pick up?! So anything that could me the size of Mercury or smaller still could be detected in time.

Also just as obvious is that though this had happened alot later than I thought but great to see but at further distances from the host start, relative to its brilliance and colour of course, it will get harder to impossible.

Well we cannot even see Pluto but this is due to the distance from the sun! If you had your Scopes on Pluto and looking at Earth, shrink to the size if Pluto, it would be much easier to see.

Now imagine that all Extra Solar Systems have a Kuiper Belt full of....objects. Chances of seeing them? Fat chance! Lol.

I think you would have to be aboard a starship before seeing our finding out some things.

Cool to dream about this stuff but I ask very hungry for ever more data and facts when it comes to Extra Solar Planets but probably because I have strongly believed they were present at just stars we see since I was about 7 or 8 years old, lol.

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Well how cool is this?!

Though it no doubt has its concerns if worst case scenarios too, lol.

First off whether our not they can get here is one thing to think about as they may be hostile?!

If not hostile then one scan of our planet and the wars, lies, corruption, belief in far fetched and impossible deities, hatred of some towards the rest if the world so they can keep their women under wraps and oppressed as they have no self confidence in holding down a relationship and even the death if children to keep their ancient outdated ways and any intelligent aliens will not come here?!

Or how about if they are predatory, ok bad pun, aliens but intelligent and decide which races on Earth are intelligent and eat some and not others?!

Well you do have to consider all the possibilities?!


Maybe they will just knock on my door and say 'look its crap here! Why don't you done with us?'

HOT DIGGETY DAMN, dreams from my childhood return to haunt me, lol!

Friday, 28 June 2013


Well the go ahead for Euvlid that the European Space Agency hours will shed light, groan, on dark matter and dark energy.

Myself personally it had occurred to me ever since I realised that the planets were not linked to the sun that stars 'pick up' planets during their evolution. So therefore the planets were created, for the just part, somewhere else?!

Now that got me to thinking a great deal more, after first reading about the Kuiper Belt, that the universe could be littered with wandering cold and dead planets?!

If we can assume quite safely that many elements in the periodic table here on Earth needed to have been created gt a star with much more mass than our own along with the age if the universe then we can only guess at how many planets have been created during it's lifetime?!

So dark matter could be many things like clouds of gas and dust but could also be more tangible objects like planets and planetoids?!

Every start we now focus on is discovered to have a while series of planets so why world it he do hard to imagine that there are myriads of these things that have NOT been captured by a nearby star and wander around in interstellar space? Maybe even intergalactic space? Maybe something else influences those which could be out in the void between galaxies and their masses influence the nearby galaxies?

Just what I have thought for a long time now and I always thought that a large majority of the stars we can see were host to their own planets. When u first realised I felt strongly convinced by this it was common practice and belief to think that planets could exist elsewhere but only a tiny fraction would have planets.

Right now it seems not even my prediction was correct as.

Still it well be interesting to see what this Euclid will reveal but we will have a but if a wait as it launches in 2020

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Oh how cool of this new report?!

This blog had long since been neglected dye to health issues endless visits to Doctors and hospitals for tests, scans and ask manner of things.

But tonight I read about a development that has me day dreaming of hundreds of thousands of possibilities all on the same exosolar system Gliese 667C.

Three large earth like, righty planets all within it's host star's habitable zone?!

A system with three planets ask of which could sustain life or even already have life?!

Ohh that is simply something I would never have suspected to be found in all honesty! Had I thought about it I may have reasoned that two habitable planets could be possible but THREE?!

My brain says no right now but by heart scream yes, YES PLEASE!!

Oh it will be great times indeed when they figure out a way to discover more about these other solar systems! What I would not give to see images of the surface of a series of Exoplanets ask with different types of host suns and with divergent coloured skies?!

Probably won't live anywhere near long enough but one can hope of a series of breakthroughs?! Governments around the globe need to run things properly and honestly before er can get back to the cutting edge of science.

If only people can stop their actions and words based on their own tiny bubbles that contain their worlds?! Put I pin in it and extend their views as to what of possible when but being dicks, lol.

I suppose I should day this of true of certain hard lined and narrow minded religions too?!

I wonder as to the temperature ranges of each planet sand therefore I can then theorise on my mind on the possibilities of life!

Would they be fairly similar our worlds apart?! Lol, yeah yeah terrible joke I know!

Hopefully in time and with more discoveries there will be a far better documentary than the last one I watched that was mainly rehashed stuff already widely known!

Maybe I can hope for a breakthrough in imaging and scopes too?!

Hmm between now and Christmas 2013 a great deal can happen?!

I might also posses done of the items I need and have wanted for thirty years too?!

Fingers crossed?!

I might try and find the time to do some research on this and come back and post again on this?! Also my mind is bound to focus on this one day and visualise as whole list of possibilities I will post up.

Monday, 3 June 2013


Been keeping an eye on this and hoping for done very interesting facts and figures to be revealed?!

This could be another big discovery of scientific data to reveal itself in recent times?!

Exoplanets along with Earth like planets and then of course the discovery if the Higgs Boson, or God Particle, that gives matter mass and soon this.

Black Holes have been the most elusive of objects in the universe to study purely because light cannot escape, lol. However when 'being fed' they can emit hugely powerful gamma-ray bursts which can be monitored and studied.

There is one down side to gamma-ray bursts and that is if the burst it pointed directly at us. Would not be to good for life on Earth depending on it's proximity and power.

If a star that is visible to the naked eye in the night sky had enough mass then when it collapsed st the end if it's life the gamma rays emitted hitting earth would kill life it came into contact with.

When the cloud comes into close proximity the singularities, whether the super massive I've at the galactic centre our any smaller nearby ones with become active and reveal....stuff! Lol.

Hmm do not remember reading anything of a date, even a rough one, if when this potential cataclysmic and cosmic event will begin. Hmm our even end come to think of it.

Maybe someone could tell Members of Parliament that on that day there are loads of duck islands, piles of cash and free Porsches in a field miles away from shelter?!


Thursday, 30 May 2013



Stars at night, stars so bright
Like pinprick holes in the curtain of night
Stars with worlds too far to see
What treasures await if I could only see
Are the skies orange, green or mauve?
Are there masses of fauna a treasure trove?
Is there a larger planet that I could live
No numpties or amorals I'm squeezed in with
A sun of white, green, red or blue
The night sky adorned with quad moons too?
A lighter gravity is what I hope
That I would move like a normal bloke!
A million things go through my mind
Now Earth like planets that they do find?!

Saturday, 18 May 2013


OK this was not so joyous a read and the scope that had had my excitement going way beyond that of even the great Hubble Scope has ground to a halt?!


Still I am confident that mountains well be relocated around the globe to get this fascinating and promising device back in its primary mission.

A primary mission that had shocked and surprised me but nice and really should bit have done as I thought class M planets are numerous even within our immediate part of the galaxy. Including that seen with the naked eye!

Even so though it is pretty stellar (groan) to hear about these discoveries just the same?!

Albeit annoying as when I watched a documentary about the discovery if planets that could harbour life I was shocked at how many planets had been discovered so far and even how many are discovered every week?!

You could do a weekly series just on this alone that would just keep coming and coming. Er well when Kepler is back online!

Hmm plus there is that James Webb Scope and I'm ashamed to admit that I cannot recall the mission specifics to this one, lol.

Was it not going to be a planet hunter too but improving on Kepler in some way?!

I really must read up and refresh my memory BEFORE I post on this blog, lol.


Well this us an interesting report and u am looking forward to seeing what transpires from this.

Not read much about quantum computing since I managed to get my head around the MECHANICS (groan) of it. I must admit I thought it was done way off before reading something along these lines.

But to read that someone has purchased a quantum computer is something of a milestone in my eyes and for computing!

Truly a leap that will eventually lead to many great things in theory.


This report alone had spurred me into returning to my much neglected blog on the subject and post about this.

If only more people had the insight and vision that this man did and I only saw short clips if what he did and thought.

So I confess I did bout see this on YouTube and note did I see his Tweets but how inspiring this guy will turn out to be!

Well he should.

What a choice of music to cover too?! I mean a stroke of genius to choose David Bowie and his Space Odyssey, lol.

Sunday, 24 March 2013


As funny as the title may sound it is quite exciting and I am sure you are well aware I am referring to the Rocks currently being studied by the latest Rover on Mars... errr Curiosity is it?

Evidence of water? Clay deposits? Whit Rock on a Red Planet??

Wow, not even I expected this and it has only just begun!!

Oddly it is not the only rocky planet in the solar system currently throwing up all manner of surprises as I sit here in my living room on the 24th March 2013 while blizzards batter the UK and very deep snow has settled?!

Here in London there is snow and forecasters are no stating they do not know when it will end?!

My Ornamental Poppies have started growing back just as the snow and sub-zero temperatures have returned in force?!

It is almost like entering a new Ice Age and it is becoming harder and harder to imagine sunny and 18 Degree centigrade, or Celsius, temperatures ever returning?!

It also makes me think  about all that storing of seeds that has been going on to, like Svalbard in Norway. Almost as if someone knew this was coming and started that storing procedure to provide food when it was over, or settles down. Of course any Ice Age would render growing food plants impossible where they were grown previously and would need to be taken to the temperature zones suitable for these plants. Left to nature this would take an absolute age and no way of knowing EXACTLY how long this would be but very likely too long.

I also found it amusing that it would be the people that screwed up the planet would be the ones that were saved, lol. That was something that occurred to me when I watched the Roland Emmerich film '2012'! The Continental Shift is still in progress and they are already in their big boats polluting the ocean?! LMAO!

Just a point of view, hehe. Funny is what I think it is and probably what Roland Emmerich was thinking of when he created the film.

I think the notions depicted in his other apocalyptic movie, which DOES depict a returning Ice Age, 'The Day After Tomorrow' is far more unlikely. Odd that they would find currency useful, well the people building the Arks in '2012' when the world was coming to an end?! LOL! Well The End of the World As We Know It?! Oddly REM's track 'What's the Frequency Kenneth?' just played on Planet Rock Radio on DAB which is the greeting I used when I saw my mate Ken when I saw him n and made me think of their other track 'Its the End of The World As We Know It'?!


So yes some very odd weather going in right now and I was in the local town centre on Saturday, Enfield Town, and in all honesty I have seen a dead quiet Saturday far too many times and in all honesty even just priort to last Christmas I saw much busier Sundays?!

If an Ice Age was upon us I would find it amusing that all the Wolves would be screwed for their money! Hehe!

Personally despite the PEACE that an Ice Age would bring me I hope that it does not occur, it is several thousand years late you know?! I have far too much to achieve this year and want to see that all come to fruition first. My only pleasurable visions right now is the possible public's reaction to being ...ENLIGHTENED?!

So this Global Warming is currently wreaking havoc on my life as I do not possess enough warm clothing?!

Thursday, 21 March 2013


Should read universe older than THEY previously thought.

I never bought into that theory and thought they were way off base with that one.

I also thought they were way of base with the previous given maximum amounts on the mass of stars.

Now we have those naive theories out the way it is another removal, well two actually, of obstacles in our pursuit of the answers to life, the universe and everything.

Also let us not be st quick to accept theories in future based on the ones that SOUND like they make the most sense regardless if who our is who makes them.

I have no idea who stated the she if the universe our the maximum mass limits possible on stars, please God I hope it was not Dr Carl Sagan, lol. Also there was nothing wrong with these theories and only really in the speed to accept them.

If I had, or ever do in future, written a book you would NEVER have had me writing these theories as facts as I have in many books I have read and many subjects. I have found over the years it is all golgi easy to use the words if others in part our as a whole, to make yourself look and seen to understand them as will as quantify them.

I have on occasion over the years been scorned by fellow TV viewers for disagreeing with scientists and narrators in scientific documentaries.

Over time they that achieved me only then saw my own theories and beliefs stated as being the case whether it be months or even years later.

Indeed my relationship before last was with an intelligent career girl who had elocution lessons but she could not handle the fact that I was highly knowledgeable in the fields I am and even used to attack me on occasions. Despite her being more successful than I was career wise and owned a house.

Mt life is littered with stories like that of envy of new where there was no realistic cause to have any. Also I find it odd that to have that much hatred and jealousy if people that are intelligent but there would be no technology, heat and light without them.


Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Who is 540 today and getting around on a goat as the local transport company has now gone bust after issuing his bus pass for the last 480 years!! Hehe.

Hmm 3 days after my birthday? Fancy that?! LOL.